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江淮论坛(第363期)Placetelling as a Strategic Tool for Promoting Community, Local Development, and Tourism
日期:2021年11月15日 11:11  浏览量:[]

报告主题:Placetelling as a Strategic Tool for Promoting Community, Local Development, and Tourism

主讲人:Federica Epifani,意大利萨兰托大学


地点: 枚乘路校区翔宇楼第一会议室(Zoom线上)

邀请单位: 国际教育学院

主讲人简介:Federica Epifani, geographer, holds a Ph.D. in Social and Human Sciences at the University of Salento (2017).

She is currently working at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salento, where she is studying new innovative tools for the management of territorial environmental impacts due to tourism activities; she also teaches Geography of Tourism and Territorial Culture and Development.

In December 2018, she spent a period at the Huay’in Insitute of Technology as an expert of sustainable tourism, with a delegation of students and researchers from University of Salento.

In the past three years, she has been research fellow at the Department of History, Society and Human Sciences, where she was involved in a national project (PRIN) on the enhancement of cultural landscape and in a European project on the development of new methods for coastal sustainable management (Interreg Ita-Gr Re.Co.RD).

She also cooperates with the European University Center for Cultural Heritage, on behalf of which she has conducted research activities within the framework of European projects in the field of cultural enhancement, training and education (Erasmus + “Modify”; FLIP 2 – INCREAS), and she is also member of the supporting project committee.

She is one of the founding members of the School of Placetelling, and member of the AGeI national research group on Placetelling and place narratives.

She has authored a significant number of essays, papers and articles, published on national and international scientific journals, and she has taken part to many national and international scientific conferences, both as a participant and as member of scientific and organizing committees.

In 2021 she was elected in the board of AGeI, the Italian Association of Geographers.

Federica can also count on a relevant experience beside her academic research. She has contributed to the development of Apulia’s Strategic Plan for Culture; more recently, she was involved in the definition of the Economic and Territorial Development Plan of Martina Franca (TA).

She also worked for Notte della Taranta Foundation. She is part of the local network of IT.A.CA., the Italian festival for sustainable tourism.

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